Friday 15 March 2019

Spain 2019

On Sunday, March 3rd, a group of 5 high school students made their way to Spain. Their task was to practice Spanish during their family stay, and learn and enjoy Spanish culture.

We visited Madrid, Toledo, and Alcala de Henares.

Day 1: Leaving Minneapolis

Arrived at Chicago Airport. Eating lunch and getting mentally prepared for Madrid.

Waiting for our 1-hour delayed plane.

Finally, we are on our way to Spain

They're so excited! (1-5 hours of sleep)

We got to our hotel and off we went... exploring El Centro de Madrid.

Students saw El Jamon Serrano at the market in El Centro

Typical Flamenco dresses

Visit to La Plaza Mayor

Going to El Mercado San Miguel

Churros con chocolate

We found the coolest thing ever... The first restaurant in the world... "El Restaurant del Tio Botin"

A roof of the Almudena Cathedral

Front view of the Real Palace waiting to get in...students were a little tired.

We got in at 1:30pm

At this point, they were asking to go back to sleep at 4:00 or so... :(

Palace Main entrance.

Playing with the audio tour.
Real Family portraits.

View from the Palace garden.

Day 2:

On our way to El Museo del Prado.

We saw the famous Puerta de Alcala.

El Museo de Prado

In front of the museum, we found, "La Real Academia Espanola" Institute, in charge of reviewing the Spanish dictionary.

After we finished our Museo del Prado, our train trip was waiting for us. We had to walk more to get to La Estacion de Atocha. Our trip to Toledo lasted for 30 minutes or so.

"Toledo" was the students' favorite place. They were amazed by the beauty of this magical town.

No picture for Greco's paiting.

Catedral de Toledo outside and inside.

A duplicate of the Cathedral of Toledo made of 700 grams of Gold and Silver.


Don Quixote made of Mazapan another world record

We needed to say goodbye to Toledo, students did not want to leave, but needed to go back to Madrid for our Supper at El Restaurante La Rayua.

Salad: They loved the Manzanilla olives.

Seafood Paella

Apple Bunuelos with ice cream

Day 3: We traveled to meet the students' Host Families in Alcala de Henares (National Heritage).

Speak Spanish like a Warrior!

 Day 5: I visited the students at Colegio San Gabriel to learn about the education system and the life of Spanish students.

Day 8: Time to pick up the students from their Spanish families. Family forever!

It was hard for our students to say goodbye but they have new friends on the other side of the ocean waiting for them to come back. 

In the afternoon we went to eat lunch.

I think they needed comfort food after saying goodbye (hasta luego) to their family.

And our last place to explore, Parque el Retiro.

We had never seen a black swan before... beautiful!

Cena de despedida!

Day 9: Our last day. Ready to take the bus to the airport. Students were anxious to share their experience with family and friends.

It was a fun journey with these five amazing students. Thank you, students, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Until 2021....


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